
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Mama

So, I have started a working out with my Aunt Merrilee. She's kicking my butt. She has got me doing sit ups, lunges, planks, and treadmill work. I've been doing weight training. We took before pictures..and hopefully our after pictures will look awesome. I'm also working on my tan. Vacation is awesome:) We had a 70's dress up birthday party for Mer. Everybody stared when we went out to eat and at the movies. We saw the movie Salt because it has girl power:) It was actually pretty good. Joshua is loving meeting all his cousins and relatives...he still doesn't know what to make of Gramp.


Moments and Impressions said...

Oh I wish I had a workout buddy... so nicce! Josh ua is so cute!

MissFett said...

Aly im so glad mer is kicking ur butt!! Now you can teach me what working out really means when you come back!